Summer Week six: Zipline and heading south

Adventure seekers:  Yep, that's me and anyone else I can drag with me kicking and screaming!  This group of women is fun positive support group that I am so lucky to have in my life.  I have a great time every time we get together.  We decided to try out the Zipline/rope Course in Strongsville at the Metro Park.  It was our lucky day because "Kickin' it with Kenny" from the Fox News was there too.  We had to snag a group picture to prove that we met him!
At the beginning, there is an instructor who gives you a run down of the rules and procedures.  You then are on your own…Giddy Up!
Heather zips down the practice line!

During the course, you stand on platforms to unhook and attach your clamps to new lines to get across to the next platform.  We were such a great team, encouraging each other and there was quite a bit of laughing too! 

As the course gets going there were difficult pathways to take on, the one above was by far a tough one.  You had to climb on these hanging cargo nets and reach across to get to the platform…tricky, tricky, tricky.  

Such fun!

Heather picked us up in her mom's convertible VW Beetle.  Erin and I rode in the back seat with the top down.  Here is our back seat selfie as our hair gets the wind blown look!

We did it!  We had such a great time together!  I can't wait to try something new with this great group of women!

Later that week, we packed up the kids and headed south to visit Aunt Sharon.  We look forward to our annual trip to see our cousins and spend time making more fun memories.  
It was so hot while we were visiting, we had to have many water gun fights.  Everyone was soaked and laughing so hard!
Check out these hula hoop moves by Maw Maw and Samantha

The kids love having their outdoor foot massages.

Lincoln and all the kids loved playing on the play structure.  

Aunt D took her turn at the foot massage. As you can see she might have added just a bit too much bubble bath in the foot bath!

The kids crack me up as they relax in the foot bath.

Aunt Sharon ends each massage with lotion and this time we warmed up hot stones.

Samantha is in complete relaxation.

Check out Landon with his arms behind his head!

We even had a princess/superhero party.  All the girls put on their princess dresses and posed for the camera.
This picture is worth more than gold...seeing grown women dressed as princesses is priceless.

Uncle Larry hangs out with all the boys as they sport their superhero t-shirts.  The boys were more about the snack and punch instead of the dressing up!

We even picked and ate blackberries together.
Funny when you get together with lots of kids how they come up with fun games to play with each joke for over an hour they took turns running and jumping through a hula hoop landing on a mattress.  Even Maw Maw got in on the crazy stunts...the kids boo-ed her when she did her first one so she amped it up on the second try.  

The love that these kids have for each other is so great to see.  No matter how many miles get between us they still have an unbreakable bond!

Gavin loves Nolan!

It's so much fun us all getting together and having our own kids getting a chance to make memories together.  


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