Minions, Memphis Kiddie Park, and Blueberries Summertime week seven

I am a sucker for celebrating "national days", especially when it is "National Ice Cream Day".

One of our activities on our "Summer Bucket List" was Memphis Kiddie Park.  This is a tiny little place in Cleveland with kiddie rides and putt putt. This might be Carter's last summer to go because he is getting too tall!  

Such fun!

This was the first time ever that I went without a stroller or a diaper bag.  You might laugh and say, "Why is that such a big deal?"  This was the first time that all three boys could get on and off the rides without needing my help.  I was the silly mom with tears running down her cheeks as I smile at the fun my boys were having without needing me.  Not going to lie, it was tough but those boys just warm my heart!

There is one roller coaster at the park and the boys wanted me to ride.  Holy Cow!!  That is the roughest, jerkiest ride ever.  I had the death grip on my kids…thought I was going to need a neck brace when we got off.

To finish out the day we went to the largest candy store in Ohio..B.A. Sweetie.  This sounded like such a great idea in my head until we arrived.  Nolan was putting everything in his cart while Carter was negotiating how many pieces he could get and Landon was sampling Jelly Bellys.  The experience ended quicker than anticipated but not without a sugar high!!!

The boys had been so pumped to see the new Minion Movie and Aunt Katie promised to take them.  She drove down from Michigan to take them and they loved it! Before they went we decided to make Minion cookies!

One of our favorite summer traditions is picking blueberries with friends!  It was a beautiful day so we loaded up the kids and went to pick!  I love how we eat more than we come home with!  Nothing better than a big blueberry straight off the tree.

After picking blueberries we went over to a friend's pool, Margie Fowler, and splashed around with her daughter Christine and her kids!  It was great to get together with the kids and just catch up!

This picture cracks me up because Landon and Mari were playing dolls so well together until Carter saw it and embarrassed Landon.  Landon has the moves to get those girls.

Mr. Fowler ended the day swinging with the kids!


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