Last week of summer

It's hard to believe that our summer break is coming to an end. We have had so much fun I just can't believe it!!
These boys just melt my heart.

We went to the Cleveland Zoo for Bob's work picnic.  

All summer long we have been enjoying the in ground pool at our neighbor's house.  We are spoiled rotten when it comes to that!  The water is so warm and we swim whenever we want!  They are good people!

Grandpa Grocho was not feeling well so he was taken to Riverside hospital in Columbus.  This last week of summer we drove down and stayed with Aunt D for a few days so we could go and visit him. At this point he has been diagnosed with leukemia.  His body isn't strong enough to undergo the intensive treatment so he has chosen to be at home, comfortable, and with Grandma.  Their love for one another is amazing. This week they celebrated Grandma's 87th birthday and their 64th wedding anniversary.

Grandma is squeezing on the boys.  She can't get enough of them!  It means so much to me that my Grandparents have not only been such an important part of my life but also so involved in my kids too. They are something special. 

My roommate from college, Amy Koenn (Hammer), her sister was getting married and we were invited to celebrate with them.  This was exciting because it was the first wedding the boys were asked to attend.  With that being said, it also meant that we had to all get dressed up and you all know how much the boys LOVE getting dressed up…not at all!  Once they got dressed, we were snapping pictures left and right because it doesn't happen very often.  The ceremony was a full Catholic mass and I was very worried about how the boys would sit but I was pleasantly surprised.  They didn't last very long at the reception so Maw Maw took them back to the hotel for snacks and bedtime.
Selfie with Landon

We clean up well too!  So fun getting a chance to be together and bust a groove on the dance floor!

These two goofballs have such a great time when we get together!  So happy we have kept in touch throughout the years.

This girl has such a special spot in my heart!  Been through so many things with her and miss her tons.  She is a friend that you go without seeing for awhile but can pick up the conversation right where you left off the last time we were together.  She looked absolutely beautiful and she even rapped her Matron of Honor Speech to the tune of Fresh Prince of Bel Air!  It was incredible…definitely hit it out of the park!

Boys were peeing in the horse stalls and we jumped at the chance to grab a family picture. 
These boys sure do love their Maw Maw!  They have her wrapped around her finger!  Look closely as Nolan is saying "Cheese" he is pulling Landon's hair.  Brotherly Love!

The next day we headed up to the Michigan International Speedway were the boys competed in their first Children's Challenge race.  I call it a "Kid Mudder" because that is exactly what it was like.  There were muddy obstacles, tires to carry, logs to balance on, walls to climb, and a huge slip and slide to finish the race.

Nolan thought he was so cool as he wore around the SWAG bag the boys got!

This is the before picture of the boys.  Squeaky Clean.

Nolan gives the boys a good luck hug before the big race.

This was the starting line for the boys.  As I watched them anticipate the excitement of the race, I was the emotional parent with tears in her eyes waiting to see her boys do their best.  When the race began, both boys took off over big haystack barriers.  Carter was quickly out at the front of the pack.  He has the competitive spirit like his parents!

Carter jumping in the mud pit.

Landon climbs up the muddy slope

Out of the underground mud pit and off to the races

Landon jumps off the wall

Slip and Slide to the finish!

Carter has quite the mud mustache

Once the race was completed the boys were able to put their muddy handprint on the wall!

A little splash time…Nolan wanted in on the fun too!

At the end of the race, there was a photo booth where the kids could pose for a photo!  This was such a cool race.  I can't wait to do it again next year!

Sunday, the last day before reality, we spent the day at East Harbor beach.  Maw Maw, Paw Paw, and Jill-Bob came with us.  There were lots of sand castle, river building, and hot tub creating in the sand.

Paw Paw even got in on, I mean started, a water bucket water fight.  It ended with everyone soaked even him.  We couldn't go home without getting ice cream at Brown's Dairy Dock and play at the park in Marblehead.  What a great way to end the summer vacation!  I am already counting down the days until next year!


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