
Showing posts from 2015

Unforgettable moments

Here are a few stories that have transpired that I hope not to forget… This morning Sylvia the elf brought hot cocoa and marshmallows for The boys. Landon and Nolan were shoving as many marshmallows has they could in their mouth's while I loaded the car. It ended in a fight where Nolan bit Landon. Then Landon was crying so hard he threw up the marshmallows all over Carter's book bag and winter has been quite a morning and it's only 7:30 AM. While reading our bedtime story,  Nolan says "me don't like spiders, poop, and boogers." It was so matter of fact and hard for me to keep a straight face The boys have recently been asking to use my phone to take pictures and videos of each other.  The results are just too funny! Brotherly snuggles We have one tree in our backyard and during a severe wind storm half of the tree cracked off.  This was the tree that we color with sidewalk chalk: "The Rainbow Tree".  We hope that i

University circle-fest

With this wonderful warm weather, we jumped at the chance to visit Circlefest at University Circle in Cleveland.  We had never been before.  All of the museums have free admission, they set up an ice rink, and have fun crafts for kids to do.  I was excited to head into the Botanical Gardens with the kids. While we waited in line there were horses by the sidewalk.  Landon and Nolan had a blast petting them. There was a rainforest part of the garden with huge trees, butterflies, and beautiful flowers.   Look at Nolan's face as he watches the trains go by.  He cried so hard when we had to leave.  I think that he would have stayed there all day to watch the trains. Unexpectedly we splurged at a train ride for all of us through the garden on this little green train.  Maw Maw joined us on the train too! Loving every moment of being in the train He was holding his ticket so tight as he watched out the window. These cuties were having fun too!

Wacky warm weather in December

This December has been unusually warm.  We have yet to see any snow.  I thought this would be a bummer but we are loving it because we can play outside so much.  Landon is especially loving it because he could wear shorts more often!  Saturday we woke up and headed outside to enjoy the wonderful weather.  Carter, Landon, Bob and I played soccer against each other while Nolan kicked the other soccer ball around the backyard.  We then had hot chocolate and marshmallows at the picnic table on the back porch. It is a whole lot of family fun when we play against the boys…it gets a little competitive. After soccer, the boys wanted to rake the leaves that finally fell off the tree.  I know it seems crazy to rake leaves in December but we loved it.  They would rake and rake to then throw handfuls at each other. Nolan is really starting to stretch out so he can reach the pedals and really pedal hard on his bike. Leaf bag fun! Keep this warm weather co

Gingerbread house

A fun December tradition is to decorate a gingerbread house.  You know me that I always grab the gingerbread house the year before when it is marked down on holiday clearance which means that it's not a good idea to eat the candy we use to decorate. The boys love to decorate the gingerbread house together.  Bob helped the older boys while Nolan napped but they saved a space for Nolan to do when he woke up. They were so proud of what they created Nolan ate and decorated! So much fun!

Carter's Christmas program

So this is an event I have secretly been hoping for since Carter started first grade…The Christmas Music Program.  When I taught first grade, it was my absolute favorite event to watch, all the families together, the children all dressed up, and how cute they were performing for everyone.   I have to admit the day that Carter brought home the details of the performance in his folder I was giddy with excitement and then when he was chosen for a speaking part, I got a little emotional because I couldn't wait.   Choosing an outfit for Carter was quite an experience for both Bob and I.  Maw Maw stayed in the car with the other two watching a show while Bob and I took Carter into the store to choose the perfect outfit.  This was his first time in a fitting room because if you can only imagine we don't often choose clothes at a store where you have to take kids into a changing room because that is chaos inside the smallest space ever.  Carter was not enjoying the experienc

The search for the perfect tree

The annual trip for our Christmas tree had finally arrived!  Thank goodness for this crazy warmer weather so we didn't have to bundle up the kids this year.  When we arrived, it was super packed…more than ever since we had been there before.  We searched high and low for our (my) favorite kind of tree Concolor because it smells like an orange!  The boys play hide in seek amongst the trees and Landon was trying so hard not to be found in his super neon coat! We found the tree…a group photo is always a difficult task to do but it captures our craziness! Maw Maw and Paw Paw love to join us on this annual trip.  They drove up to have some fun with us!   I love this picture of the boys pushing the tree up the hill.  Great teamwork!   One of my favorite parts is watching Bob tie down the tree to the top of the van.  Thank goodness after three years coming we finally remembered the straps to tie it down.  Every year previously we just used just the

A house divided

The big day at our house is always the Michigan vs Ohio State football game day.  The boys love having fun for cheering against each other.  This year we dressed them up in clothes of either team and they we so excited.  Paw Paw gets some pre game cuddles. A staged photo of the family is a necessity!  This is what it really looks like!! Ha!   On this Saturday, the day after the Polar Expresss, we jumped in the car early morning to head to Michigan for Boone Thanksgiving.  When we arrived Bob and Angie headed to watch the game and I tossed the kids in the car and headed to see the Lokers family in Chelsea.   That day the Boys Scouts had a toys for tots drop off in the library and photos for Santa.  Thank goodness for Laura she had enough gifts for all the boys to give a toy and we joined them at the library for this fun event! Santa was so sweet to the boys. Group photo with the man with a white beard! Next we ventured over to The Treehouse.