Watching the Time Fly By

I know, I know…I'm slacking with keeping up with Nolan's monthly pictures.  It started out so well but, life happened and I failed!
I posted the 9 month photo and soon after that Nolan started walking so trying to get him to sit still for a photo was very hard.

This little man was walking at 9 1/2 months and Bob and I were so surprised.  He is always trying to keep up with his two older brothers.  

Can you believe this guy is 1??  
He is so busy these days with climbing stairs, almost running and feeding himself with silverware.  He is rocking his 6 teeth, 3 on top, 3 on the bottom.  Nolan is a dancing machine with a bounce and raising the roof!  The older boys are doing a great job at adjusting to having another playmate and a smaller shadow.  


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