
Easter begins with an egg hunt that we shared with the Loker's family.
Here are all the kids lined up with excitement ready to hunt eggs!!
Carter and Landon were in the same hunting area and Nolan was with the younger group.  Once the whistle was blown they took off grabbing as many as they could get their hands on.  It was great to watch them check out the surprise inside of the eggs.  Nolan was more interested in taking eggs out of other's baskets.
After the hunt we had pizza, did crafts, and ended with swinging at the park!

That evening we decided to color Easter eggs.  I found this cool idea on pinterest to make "volcanic Easter eggs".  We mixed baking soda and food coloring to make the paste and then painted it on the eggs.  Next you drop those eggs into a cup of vinegar and step back and watch it erupt.  It was awesome.  The only problem was that our fingers were very colorful for while.  Definitely worth it though!

  I am so happy that the Easter bunny always tracks us down where ever we are.
Here are all the baskets lined up and ready to be discovered.  The boys slept in until 8:30am that morning…that NEVER happens.

Here come the kids!  Notice the Loker's are dressed for the day and the Boone's are still in pi's and wiping the sleep from their eyes. 

Here is the madness of the Easter Basket Exploration!
Happy Easter!


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