Celebrating Nolan and Lincoln turning 1

This past weekend we went to Columbus to celebrate Nolan and Lincoln turning one together!  The day started out very dreary and rainy but thank goodness for the afternoon sun.  It is so fun to see all the  cousins playing together like best friends.
The tub full of rainwater was a huge hit.  The kids loved pouring and filling cups and bowls.

Addie rocked the bounce house

Carter and Erin wrestle

Lincoln spent most of the time sitting in the water tub

Love this!

More pictures to come!

Maw Maw and Paw Paw got Nolan a water table for his birthday and it was a huge hit for all the boys!!

I busted out a missile launcher while Nolan was taking a nap.  The boys could have played with this toy for hours!

Outdoor toys are the best!


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