Goal!!! Let the games begin!

We just recently started the boys in their very first soccer league called "Little Kickers".  I know nothing about soccer.  To me it looks like a whole bunch of people running and kicking a ball, I had no idea there were positions and plays and side kicks.  I am learning a lot as the kids are learning too.  We didn't have soccer at our school in high school but thank goodness Bob did.  He is walking the sidelines of practice encouraging (yelling) the kids to get in there and get the ball.

Carter and Landon are on the same team.  Landon is by far the smallest kid on the team but the most aggressive.  He is all up in the mix when the ball is in a crowd.  Carter thinks that everything is a race to see who can get to the goal first.  Last game he noticed a boy from the other team had the same shoes as him. They spent a good 5 minutes checking them out!  Too funny!


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