Spring Break!

This spring break we decided to take Carter and Landon on a surprise vacation.  Nolan spent the week between Maw Maw and Grandma Angie.  On Saturday morning we loaded a plane in Detroit.  In this flight, the airline had our seats spread out unless you paid to be moved together.  Bob decided to sit with the boys and let me "relax".  I was about 5 rows in front of them but felt like I had to constantly turn around to see what I was missing out on.  Once the flight took off, I fell asleep and woke up to my foot being asleep and a panicked flight  attendant.  They ran to the back of the plane and asked if there was any medical personnel onboard.  A doctor from a seat in front of me stood up.  I began to freak out a little and then we hit some turbulence.  The lady next to me told me to calm down…she could sense my nervousness. The situation on the plane was an older woman passed out due to her high blood pressure medicine.  The crazy part was that her husband's seat was in the front of the plane so he had no idea that his wife was passed out.  Note to self: Don't fly spirit airlines!  We safely landed in Las Vegas and the trip began!

We jumped in a rental car and drove 4 hours to Laguna Beach, California. On our way, Bob spotted this great hiking spot.  We hopped out of the car and had a blast exploring with the boys. Landon loved walking around with sticks and Carter was a climbing maniac.

Next, we arrived at our beachside hotel.  It was beautiful. After a quick wardrobe change we were off to the beach.  The water was freezing but you would have never known this because the boys were jumping in the waves.  Give us sun, water, and sand…this Boone family is happy.

We found a restaurant on the beach to have dinner.  The food was great.  I had grilled cheese and tomato soup, but it was fancy.  Bob had a burger that he gives "5 stars".  We waddled back to the room as the boys were melting down due to a long day of traveling and the time change.  They were passed out by 5:30pm California time. Who am I kidding, so was I!  This meant however that we were up at 4:30am which was 7:30am our time.  With not much to do we walked the streets of Laguna Beach until the sun came up.

That morning we surprised the boys with tickets to LegoLand!  We had Lego Movie t-shirts laid out for them to wear.  They were so excited! I loved listening to Landon call it "Yego Yand".

Since we were up so early we had time to kill before the park opened up.  En route Bob found a beach with a pier and we jumped out to explore.  There were surfers out catching waves, fishermen catching fish, and birds of all kinds.  Carter and Bob watched a fisherman catch a stingray.

When we arrived at LegoLand we still had about 40 minutes until the gates opened.  As we were pulling into the parking lot, we realized the tickets were in the hotel room in Bob's computer bag.  Thank goodness for smartphones because he could pull up the e-ticket and we were golden.  (never a dull moment)

Now this may be hard to believe, but we were the first one's in line to enter LegoLand.  Little did we know it was Star Wars Day.  All of the characters from Star Wars were there to welcome the visitors to LegoLand.  We are not into Star Wars, but it was pretty cool to see them all dressed up.  I was a little worried that it would be too scary like the red and black faced man with Darth Vader. Princess Laya gave Carter a high five.

The gates opened and we were the crazy lunatics that were dragging their kids across the park trying to see everything until we had an "uh-ha" moment.  Slow Down and just enjoy everything in the eyes of the kids.  We rode so many rides with the kids. It was a stink in' blast!

The next day we changed our plans because of the weather and went to DisneyLand a day early.  This sounded like a great plan, however we had to be realistic and know there was going to be quite a few meltdowns due to exhaustion.  
News flash!!!  We were one of the first few people into DisneyLand that day!!  We raced back to the main event: CarsLand.  It was so amazing!  It looks just like you are walking down the main street in Radiator Springs.  We grabbed a refreshment at Filmore's Organic Shop and ran to Mater's Tipping Tractors.  Bob sat out this ride because he doesn't like the spinning rides. 

We stopped at the Cozy Cone Motel to meet Mater and McQueen.  McQueen revved his engine and talks to you.  

We ate lunch Flo's V-8 Cafe.  The boys ate really well and we refueled and took off! After a quick nap at the hotel, we came back to the park.  My most favorite ride was the Racing Cars in Radiator Springs.  You would get into a car and it went through parts of the movie and then at the end you race through Willy's Butte just like the movie.  We also loved the Monster's Inc ride.

DisneyLand was a lot of fun! So happy that we came!

The next day we drove out to Long Beach, CA.  It was a beautiful day and we walked to the lighthouse.  While we were there we fed the birds and watched a sea lion in the harbor.

Our final day we drove back to Vegas.  We stopped at Lake Mead to hike.  It was going to storm so it was a quick hike but the boys loved it!

When we arrived in Vegas, we walked the strip with the boys. With so much to see the boys were mesmerized by everything.  We stopped at the M&M store.  Bob snagged us a great room at Ceasar's Palace with an amazing view of the Belliago fountain.  It was a great family vacation!


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