Whirlwind Weekend!

I have been working five days a week and I know to some of you that sounds normal.  However, I miss having a full day off that I can use to enjoy the boys without having to worry about rushing around to get to work.  I selfishly asked for a full day off each week and my boss was fine with it.  It will alternate either Thursday or Friday but either way I am happy.  Last week was my first Friday off since January.  I decided what better thing to do than visit the Easter Bunny for photos and invite friends along for the experience.  We did just that...3 moms and five kids!  I think I can hear you laughing already at what a crazy idea this sounds!  We all arrived before the Easter Bunny's shift had started so we headed to the play area with the kids.  It really is just a free for all.  The boys ran and ran until they were sweat hogs.  After this we walked to the Easter Bunny photo shoot.  I don't go to the mall every often because it is just a hard thing to do with both boys.  Shopping is not at the top of their hobby list.  Usually they are strapped down in the wagon as I run through at top speed looking for all the clearance racks at the back of the store but since there were other kids there the boys were not interested in sitting in the wagon.  This made for quite a show.  Carter and Abby were the brisk walkers that lead the pack and Landon loved to push the wagon but would stop to say hello to everyone who passed.  So I was jogging to catch Carter while dragging Landon as he held onto the back of the wagon.  I was sweating...not a pretty sight.  Once we reached the Easter Bunny, Carter hopped up on his lap and Landon became a leach to me.  I pried him away for just a few moments so they could snap a photo.  After the picture us moms decided it would be a great idea to get all the kids together for a photo.  Trying to get all the kids to look at the camera at the same time was a very hard task.  It was quite hysterical because we were all calling out the kids names, while making funny noises, and bribing them with cookies.  It was well worth the try.  Following through with the bribe we headed to the cookie place in the mall where the kids scarfed down sugary goodness and of course we thought it would be a great idea to eat lunch together.  Wow! This made for a crazy change of events.  As we were walking into the restaurant, it started to downpour.  Then all of the kids seemed to have their own version of a meltdown while we waited for our food to arrive.  When the food came, we inhaled it to ensure that we could make it home before naps.  This was such a great day I would do it again in a heartbeat!

He didn't take those ears off all day long.  I had to take them off after he fell asleep for his nap!

Landon enjoyed feeding Abby his mac n cheese.  

Isn't this the cutest crew you ever did see!

This was the group of crazies moments before the meltdowns began!

Saturday morning we jumped in the car and headed down to Cleveland.  I had a baby shower of a friend of ours in Vermilion.  This was such a great time getting to see everyone. Then that evening I had a 31 party in North Ridgeville where I got a chance to see more friends and meet new people too!  Afterwards we celebrated a friend's birthday with pizza and cake.  Finally Bob met a few friends to watch the Final game of March Madness while I put the boys to bed.  Sunday morning we had breakfast with other friends in Fairview, lunch with friends in Sandusky, and then stopped through to see another friends new home in Toledo.  When we reached our house here in Chelsea we were all puddles of skin.  Such a great time spent with friends we love and miss! We hope they will all come and visit us here soon!
Chatting with Marcie!  I could talk to her for hours!

Landon is swinging with his friend Coraline

Daredevil Landon!

Derek and Mason on the slide


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