Easter Eggstravaganza!

Each holiday gets to be more fun as the boys get older.  This Easter was nothing short of that!  We headed down to my parents house on Good Friday.  The boys were so excited to see Maw Maw and Paw Paw.  We ate pizza and walked to get ice cream.  Saturday morning we drove down to Columbus to meet my cousin and their family at an Easter egg hunt hosted by their church.  It was at a beautiful place that they use for church camps and such.  Right when the hunt was about to begin Carter had to use the restroom and of course it was clear across the park, so thank goodness we have boys, I pulled Carter over behind a tree to pee.  After he was finished he looked at me and said, "Mommy, my pee was like a water park." Oh the things that kids say!  They mentioned that they had over 4,000 eggs out to find.  It was sectioned off based upon age and both the boys were in the same section.  When they released the kids, you know the competitiveness in my blood started flowing, Carter was grabbing eggs so quick and I was coaching him on where to find them.  I then looked around an realized that he was by far the oldest child in that group and most everyone else couldn't walk yet.  Bob helped Carter show others were they could find eggs.  Finding the eggs was a blast for the boys but the real fun was eating all the candy that was in them.  We emptied out the eggs and I was trying to monitor the amount of sugar being consumed but I swear candy kept appearing and they kept shoveling it into their mouths.  All in all it turned out to be a very fun egg hunt.
Landon loving on Maw Maw

At the start of the hunt

Carter racing for the eggs

Landon showing off his stash

Look at the mouthful of candy Landon has
Eggcellent shades!

Saturday evening we headed back to Bucyrus to stay with my parents.  My sister, her husband, and their 6 week old baby (Adelyn) came back too.  I spent most of the time cuddling, feeding, and just loving on her.  
That night we colored eggs.  My mom had it all kid friendly and controlled.  My brother-in law was great with helping the boys.  They didn't spill anything anywhere.  However, I was trying so hard to be very cautious with the dye and I bumped the coloring with my elbow.  It was running off the counter and instead of it going on the floor I put my body up against the counter.  Oh yes, the dye covered my shirt and my favorite jeans.  I ran downstairs stripped out of the clothes and tossed them into the washer.  The stain was very faint but I could still see it.  When we came home I soaked them in oxy clean and then threw them into the wash with more oxy clean...good as new!  I don't know what I ever did without oxy-clean!The Easter Bunny visited my parents house and the boys loved searching their house for eggs in the morning.  They were full of coins that they boys later put in their piggy bank.  My grandparents came over for Easter breakfast.  They love their grandkids so much!  
My Grandma, My mom (Maw Maw), My sister (Danielle), me, the boys and Adelyn


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