A Family Divided

This weekend we had double booked our family schedule.  We had a birthday party and bridal shower in Cleveland and my in laws were headed back from their winter home in Florida and were going to stay here on their way through.  We talked about what our options were and we decided I would go to Cleveland with Carter and he would stay here with Landon.  This was the first time we did this.  Carter and I enjoyed the birthday party and the shower but it just wasn't the same without Landon and Bob.  The birthday party was full of kids and Carter played with their train table and Geo Tracks for the whole time. (until the presents and cake of course) There was a pinata.  This was Carter's first experience with a pinata.  They didn't hang it but just had it on the floor and the kids got to pound it with a bat.  Wow!  It was so funny to watch all the boys beat that thing as hard as they could and then the girls would just tap it with the bat.  When it finally was demolished Carter grabbed just a piece of candy and quickly started unwrapping.  He wanted to eat all the candy right then.
Carter is taking a whack at the pinata

Back here in Michigan, Landon and Bob had a visit from Grandpa and Grandma Boone.  
From the looks of these photos, Landon was getting a lot of loving!
Grandma Barb cuddling with Landon

Aunt Julie sneaks a kiss

Bree and Landon cheesing for the camera

Landon is all smiles with Aunt Katie

He is such a daddy's boy!

You can barely see his eyes because he is smiling so big!

Bob, Landon, and Grandpa Boone

So even though we all had a great time with all the events we were at it was still hard being apart from each other. 


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