Our little gymnasts

On my last Friday off from work, I was tempted to take the boys to the Toledo Zoo.  It was going to rain in the afternoon but I thought that we could get it in before the raindrops began to fall.  We were up at our usual 6:45am wake up time and I began to clean the house and when I glanced at the clock I thought getting to the zoo was not going to happen.  Kristin text me and said they were headed to Gym America for open gym.  She was going to meet Laura there with all the kids and I instantly threw the kids in the car for a chance at a fun time.  We arrived at Gym America and it is a huge building where they offer gymnastic classes. They offer open gym where the kids can come and play on all the equipment.  They had springboards, mats, trampolines, ropes,  bars, and balance beams set up for the kids to play on.  When we got there I felt like they had just opened the gates of a horse race because the boys took off running to try out everything.  My head was on a swivel because I was trying to keep an eye on both of them as the ran from place to place.
They loved climbing on all these mats.

Check out this smile as he dangles from the bars

Carter loved the bars.  He would climb up to the high bars by jumping from a mat. 
I was in gymnastics as a kid and I loved it.  The bars were my favorite so it was neat to see them enjoy this. I would love to get them into classes because their energy is overflowing and this would be a great way for them to use this energy.  We will be going back whenever we can!  I think Bob would get a kick out of watching them run and play.  Both boys were drenched in sweat when we left.


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