Loving the boys

How quickly they are growing up!  I just got a letter in the mail with an invitation to the preschool Open House.  It is so hard for me to believe that next school year Carter will be headed to preschool.  I have been chatting with other moms with children around the same age about whether they are sending their kids and which preschool and why.  My conclusion is that Carter is hungry for knowledge/  He is asking questions about everything and just talking up a storm.  I want him to continue to be excited about learning new things so I think to not send him to preschool in the fall would just hurt him in the long run.  It is going to be hard watching him grow up but it is what is best for him.  He needs the structure and routine.

Last Friday we went to the doctor for Landon's 18 month well check up.  He is growing tall but is just a little peanut weighing 22 lbs.  I was concerned about this but the doctor compared his previous stats and thinks he is fine.  She said he is going to be a tall skinny boy...from what I have seen of Bob's younger photos Landon is going to be just like his dad.  I think he might even get his ornery personality from his dad too! Recently Landon has learned the word No and wants to use it for everything.  He will answer every question with this word and when you take it away he quickly changes his mind.  He loves the control...that might be a trait he gets from me but we won't tell Bob I said that because he would agree.  Other than about 8-10 more words Landon's vocabulary is lots of pointing and grunting.  I was worried about his language development compared to other children at this age.  The doctor said that she thinks he is absorbing right now and that it will just click and he will then not shut up.  I also think that since Carter is talking so much that he talks for him.  I am trying to work at making him talk more when he needs or wants something.

The boys have not been feeling well for the past week so their sleep is so off.  It is kicking my butt. When they are in bed by 9pm Bob reminds me about how much better it still is than it used to be and I thank my lucky stars but it can always get better.

Here are the boys just hanging out being brothers! Nothing cuter than this!


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