Carter's First Trip to the Emergency Room

This winter has kicked our family in the butt with sickness.  Landon has had a double ear infection since early January and has been on four types of antibiotic since January 14th.  Carter just recently got a double ear infection as well.  He is on his second round of antibiotics.  On Wednesday I had to head into work early so I had to get the boys moving in the morning quicker than normal.  Carter slept in until 7:40am.  I had to wake him up and bring him downstairs.  When I put him on the couch with his juice and muffin I noticed that he was shaking.  He said, "Mommy, I sooo cold."  I covered him up with a blanket but he was still shaking.  I rubbed his arms and legs to try and get some heat from friction but he still said he was cold.  His skin was cool to the touch but his head was very warm.  I checked his temperature and it was 101.8.  I didn't think that this was too high but was still unsure of what the real issue was.  I went to get him up and moving around to get his blood flowing and he said," Mommy my legs don't work."  This freaked me out because I thought maybe something was happening neurologically and it was serious.  I threw both boys into the car and headed to the ER.  He was still shaking and I had to carry him inside.  We met with the check in nurse who was a bum to say the least...not kid friendly at all.  He tried to check Carter's temperature under his tongue which he has never had before so he had no clue what to do.  Frustrated the nurse said, "Fine, looks like we are going to have to do this rectally." I suggested maybe using the thermometer under his armpit just like they do at the doctor's office.  The nurse told me that wasn't an accurate result.  I smile and say, "okay let's just try that anyways because at least it will give us a ballpark temperature." He decided against this and luckily found a forehead thermometer.  We headed back into the room and he told me to take off Carter's clothes and put on the hospital gown.  I say," He is still shaking because he is cold. Do I really have to put on this gown?"  The nurse says gruffly, " Fine, keep his pants on but put the gown on top and cover him with this blanket." When he left the room I shook my angry fist at him.  Finally the ER doctor came in just as Landon is pulling on every cord, pressing every red button, and climbing on the hospital bed.  The doctor thought that it could be either an allergic reaction to the new antibiotic or influenza.  I was informed by him the influenza and the flu are two separate viruses.  He told me however there is no treatment for influenza.  The only thing we can do is to give him medication to control his fever.  For the love...I wanted to scream that from the top of a mountain.  Carter finally stopped shaking after about an hour at the hospital.  We returned home and just wanted to cuddle on the couch.  If you know him then you know that this is not his typical behavior.  We stopped the antibiotic and he still has a fever.  Both boys have been kept inside away from other life forms this week with hope to help get them healthy.  I am so ready for spring to arrive so I can open my windows and let in the fresh air.
Check out that sick little man.

This mask lasted about two seconds on his face.

If you look closely you can see Landon's hand as he is trying so hard to climb up to be in the bed with him.


Kori said…
Poor little guy! Hope he is feeling better this weekend!

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