Creating Learning Opportunities
Recently I have been reading articles about how to be a better parent. Not that I think that I am terrible but there is always room for improvements. I was finding that it was pretty consistent with many authors that an important thing to do is create learning opportunities for your children through every day things you do. Sounds easy enough right? I decided instead of having the usual pizza and movie night, that we should make the pizza together. This was a hoot! The boys don't really even like pizza...I know that sounds crazy but we keep trying because when they grow up they need to like it. ( I remember dinner in college consisted of $5 pizza from Papa John's shared with roommates=cheap meal!) The boys loved to spread the sauce and pile on the mound of cheese. Through this process I also noticed how much Bob gets out of shape when the boys have a little more control over the situation than he does. He was very quick to tell them they were using too much sauce in a certain spot, spread the cheese, etc. Look, I just want them to have fun and explore these new things so I have to remind Bob to relax sometimes. He does this for me when I need it and so I must reciprocate! The pizza was great, the boys loved it, and together we watched our kids experience something they had yet to do!
Another thing I want to start is having the boys help out around the house. Now I am not talking about child labor or anything of that sort just having them help out and be aware of what has to be done to keep the house neat. At this age they are just hungry to "help out". You better believe I am jumping at that. They know that they have to throw away their garbage on their own, pick up their toys, etc. This past weekend I was having Carter help me clean the toilets. He would use the brush and scrub the inside. He was so proud of himself. We then wiped off fingerprints on the mirrored doors. Both him and Landon were helping at this. Carter tells me, "I do the low part Mommy. You do the high part."