Less than a month!

A lot has happened since my last blog. My laptop has a virus and I was afraid to post anything. It still has a virus so I am using my old school desktop from college. Anyways...this past weekend we put together the glider/recliner. It was a lot easier to put together than we thought! We also washed the bedding and got the bed ready! It is kinda surreal because he will be here very soon! Today was another doctor's appointment because from here on out we have weekly appointments. I had lost another pound but she thought that I would be consistent with this weight from here on out! She asked if I was in pain or had any contractions yet. On Thursday, I woke up with a very tight feeling across my stomach and she said that was the Taylor Hick's contractions (they are actually called Braxton Hicks but it is much more fun to call it that). Then we had a wedding on Saturday that had quite some time between the ceremony and the reception so we went to Parma to shop to waste time. While shopping I had a sharp pain in the lower region of the belly for about 1:30 minutes. I started laughing because I didn't know what else to do. Bob was concerned I was going into labor and "the bag" was at home. Thank goodness that was the solo contraction on Saturday. My doctor said yes that was a contraction and to only start to worry when they occur every 5 minutes for a whole hour. I have been reading that in the weeks 34-36 he should be turning to head down the birth canal. So today I asked her if she could tell where he was and she pressed down low and I said-ooo that is sore and she said that is his head! Oh my goodness he is head down and kickin the crud out of my ribs. He is still really active which made me nervous because she mentioned the week before that the movements would slow down. I questioned this because I was thinkin he has ADHD already in the womb-she said not to worry that he is just an active baby! Also she told me plan on going to the due date for sure maybe even a little bit more which is great because if I can finish the school year without using sick days...life will be good! The doctor said that very soon she will be doing cervix checks to see if there is a change--yipee! Everyone has asked me how I am feeling and honestly I have to admit I feel guilty because I am feeling great! I am sore in my lower back and shoulder but I think that is just normal because of him moving around and putting pressure on different areas. I have been seeing the chiropractor once a month for an adjustment but I am not seeing a difference with that so I am cancelling my next appointment and not rescheduling until I absolutely need it. After I was finished with the doctor's appointment I return to school to teach and the students all want to know the latest news. So I told them that the baby had turned and that I would probably be here at least until June 2nd. While I am telling the class this, one of my students came up to me, which this kinda drives me bonkers because they usually interrupt with a "I have to use the bathroom" or "Mrs. Boone, mrs. boone" until I answer but not this time. She was hugging my belly and kissing my belly button through my shirt. It was too cute. Next Monday is our next appointment!


Katie B! said…

meg_NC said…
gosh i'm getting so excited! i get baby excitement butterflies when i read the blog! haha! you are the only person who would ever put the word "yipee" after talking about cervical checks. LOL! love and miss you!

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