Less than a week!

On Wednesday we had our weekly doctor's appointment. It started at 10:20am so we arrived around 10am just in to be sure. We waited in the waiting room until 10:55am. I have to be back to teach in Vermilion by 11:45 for it to be a half day. So we had to reschedule because our doctor was running 90 minutes behind. We went back after school for the appointment. She did check my cervix and she said that it is thinning and soft. However, I have yet to start dilating. Aww, man! My doctor will be on call for this weekend, which is a good sign! However, next Tuesday is the due date! If he doesn't arrive by the due date we have an appointment for Wednesday June 3rd. At this appointment we will have an ultrasound and a non stress test to let the doctor determine what day will be best to induce labor. I am trying to be patient but it is really hard. My doctor asked if I was still working and when I told her yes she hesitated acted surprised. I told her we only have about week left but that still didn't put her at ease. She said, "Don't you think that there is someone who is qualified to do your job so you can relax?" I told her that I felt great and if I wasn't feeling okay it would be a different story. So, I spent many hours this morning laying awake contemplating whether working up until the date is the best choice for me and the baby. I have come to the conclusion that I admit I am a control freak and I would be worried about making sure everything is ready for the end of the year and the start of the next year. If I stayed at home, I would have cabin fever and be bored out of my mind. Just a few more days of school, I can hang in there!


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