Weekend Shower Marathon!

This past weekend we enjoyed two showers. On Saturday night we had a coed shower at Dave and Buster's. This was all of our friends in the area. It was such a great time spent with wonderful people. All of the guests were so generous with their gifts and kind words. We partied until around 11:40pm and then headed home. Bob and I had to unpack the car and then repack for the Michigan shower the next day. I had the worst night of sleep on Saturday night. Bob and I were busy socializing with everyone that we forgot to eat. I had a salad and some nachos around 8 and Bob had just one of every appetizer which isn't a lot for him if you know him. So by the time we got home we were stinkin starving. I had a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch and he had a granola bar before we crashed in bed around 12:30am. I was so sore all night long that I was up and down. I finally convinced Bob to get up around 6am and we had breakfast and took off for Michigan. When we got to Michigan we got the food around and set up for the shower. The shower was jungle themed and Bob's sister Julie made the coolest stuff. She had mini candy bars wrapped with labels stating the due date, a jungle beanie baby, and a eye mask for each guest. She made the eye masks out of fabric like a giraffe and filled them with flax seed and lavender. Mine will be used very often-it's in the fridge right now and I am planning on taking it with me to the hospital. Part of the shower was to "go green" which meant don't use wrapping paper-some guests bought the reusable grocery bags as gift bags and others used blankets to wrap. It was so cool and easy clean up. We enjoyed seeing everyone and sharing the excitement everyone has for us. We greatly appreciated all that has been given to us and could not be doing this without all of you. Thanks again for everything!


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