No Change!

Today was our weekly doctor's appointment. We were really hoping that she would tell us I was dilated but...not at all. My cervix is like a steel trap door. I have been doing squats, jumping jacks, lunges, walking, and walking the curb with hopes of shaking him down but not quite yet. Man, this waiting part is killing us! It's like having a Christmas present under the tree and having to wait until Christmas morning to open it up. If you know Bob and I, the longest we have made it to opening Christmas presents is December 12th, so this is so hard for us. Bob keeps talking to the belly and telling him to come on out! After the doctor checked me out, I asked her if I go until my due date how long will we wait after that she said that we would not go longer than a week after the due date. So that means 13 days until the due date and then 7 more days after that--so he will be here within 20 days! Insane in the membrane! This weekend I am creating my playlists for labor. I will be creating a hard labor and relaxation playlist--any suggestions for either??? Please post them so I can be sure to add them! Send me your positive thoughts for dilation also--think open!! I am feeling great! With the temperatures rising my feet are so swollen they look like hobbit feet from Lord of the Rings.


Hello Boones!! Well, you wanted ideas to move labor along??? Well, here it is and Bob is going to like it......have sex!!! Yes, I'm serious. It's proven that sex thins the cervix and starts labor sooner. So, get to it. What can it hurt? And Bob will be sooooo happy!! Good Luck!! The Meades

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