Guy Fieri…Nolan’s Famous Ohioan

In December Nolan's 4th grade class project was to do a research project on a famous Ohioan.  He chose Guy Fieri the chef and host of Diners, Drive-in's and Dives.  He wanted to choose him only if we would allow him to dye his hair blonde like him.  Bob and I were like, sure it's just hair why not!
We started by trying to highlight just the tips of it, Bob forgot to mix in the activator and we had to start again. 

This then created the second chance hair dye process at 9:40pm at night so we decided to dye all of it blonde.

Long story short, it turned out more orange than blonde and he had the biggest meltdown of all.  It was an epic parenting fail and we take full ownership of it.  He literally cried himself to sleep that night and often woke up crying in the middle of the night about his hair. Thankfully Penny was able to soothe back to sweet dreams. 

He went to school after a bit of persuading and killed it!  Now he wants his hair blonde forever. 


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