Summer Fun at Cedar Point

I am so sorry that these posts are so late to be posted.  I get caught up in the chaos of life and sometimes the blog falls off the list but just know that I will slowly find time to catch up.  This is our life journal and we will continue to post to help us remember all the fun we have together with friends and family.

This summer we tried to hit Cedar Point as many times as our schedule would allow it. 

We have so many friends with kids our same age/height/ and thrill seeking levels that it helps to all go together to have fun so we can divide and conquer. 
Nolan, Wesley, and Roe in the buckets

Nolan loved to drive me around in his own old time car

Snoopy is somewhere under all of those kids

Our favorite place on a hot day is the water park hooked onto Cedar Point...Cedar Shores

One time this summer we stayed until closing so the boys could ride front row in the raptor with friends.

We are so lucky to be able to have such a cool place so close to where we live.  Our summers are spent at the Point.


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