Girls trip 2017

The annual girl's trip weekend comes around the first weekend in August and I have to tell you I get pumped up for this trip.  We rented the same house in Glen Michigan that we did last year but a few more friends from college decided to join us.

Thursday night when we got there is was pretty cloudy and rainy so we ventured into South Haven for dinner. The above picture is the "Original Group" of girls that started this girls weekend!

We usually spend any minute we can at the beach soaking up the sun while we chat and laugh until our cheeks hurt but it was dreary all but one day.  This caused us to have to go on adventures...first stop Antique Jungle.  This was a house with a huge yard with random antiques placed out in his yard.  It was like something I have never seen before.  There were little sheds full of random statues, signs, paintings, porcelain dolls, and a confession booth.  It was quite freaky as if you were walking the movie set of a horror film.

Judging by the look on my face you can see I was pretty terrified...them not so much!

This was just one of the many bizarre statues that was set up around the yard.

Thank goodness there were wineries around the town because we had to sample them all.

Yep, it's wine-thirty!

Since we were the rowdy bunch they placed us in the back warehouse for our tasting. By this time we were getting a little silly.

Melissa and I

It's always a blast when we get in the car because Meg is the best DJ!  She throws on old school music we used to jam to in college and the funny thing is...we all kill it with karaoke!

Friday night we drove out to Sagatuck and had dinner at a wonderful place.  

Our only beach day was Saturday.  The beach by our house was washed away because of all the rain we got this summer so we had to drive to South Haven Public Beach.  We witnessed a gypsy wedding on the beach that morning too.

Kelly brought along we beach was amazing!

You can't spend a weekend with your volleyball teammates of years past and not bust out the volleyball at some point!  We still have our skills!

Fun at the beach!

What a wonderful time we had together!  Can't wait until we get together again next year!


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