Summer week three: Strawberry Picking and Cavs Parade Downtown

Strawberries are ripe and we are ready to get picking!!!  Danielle and her kids were in town so we jumped at the chance to pick fruit together.  
Before the picking begins...

Carter and Landon were straight business.  Picking, picking, picking…full that bucket!

Lincoln was defiantly the best taste tester.  I heard him saying, "Aunt Heidi, I found a good one!"  When I turned around to check out the "good one", he was pulling them out of the bucket.  Of course you found a good one from the bucket!! Loved it!

Nolan is so proud of being able to hold the bucket that he is smiling so hard we can't see his eyes!!

Nothing tastes quite as good as a strawberry picked right from the vine!

Sweet as pie!

Carter was so proud of himself because he found a strawberry in the shape of the state of Michigan.  He posed with the strawberry that he insisted on giving to Bob. 

Judging by the stained shirt and lips…strawberry picking was a huge success.

This year our Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team has been kicking some serious butt.  Bob and I used to go to as many games that we could back before kids and cheer them on.  Now we do all the cheering from our couch or Bob watches late night games on the ipad by the bonfire.  Once they reached the finals, we were ALL IN!  On the evening of Game 7, Maw Maw, Aunt D, Bob, and I were on the edge of our seats as they cinched the title.  What a fun game to watch and celebrate!  We were jumping up and down, our neighbors came over to high five and celebrate, and I gave Bob a champagne shower in the driveway.  Days after the victory, the team came back to Cleveland and there was a parade held downtown.  We had the crazy idea of going down and being a part of this history making event.  The traffic and amount of people was insane but we managed to get lucky and miss the craziness. We parked close to the West Side Market and walked over the bridge to the parade.

Here we are on our way to the event.  Check out Landon relaxing in the stroller.   Each kid took their turn to rest their legs as we pushed them through the crowd.  Lincoln jumped in on the photo too.

Love this picture of the city in the background

Maw Maw, Paw Paw, Aunt D, Uncle Edd, and the kids all joined us to celebrate.  There were over 1.3 million people there.  We made it down and stood right in front of Progressive Field.  This was perfect because there was plenty of space for the kids to walk and run around to help pass the time.

Celebration Selfie!

We kept the kids busy by feeding them snacks.  Here I am getting tackled as I pass out the snacks to the kids like fish to the seals at the zoo.

Maw Maw and Paw Paw #theland

Look at this cousin love!

This was a view of the bridge that we walked across to get to downtown.  It was packed like this, no joke, from 9:30-11:20…craziest sight!

Look at all the people on the grass by the highway.

Here are all the people on the parking structure and lining the streets to see the parade

The kids favorite part was the confetti shooters.  They spent most of the parade collecting the confetti as souvenirs. 

Here is the coach of the Cavs as he rides past.

It was absolutely amazing to see these athletes so close.  This will be the closest my kids and I will ever be able to afford to see them.  I had Landon on my shoulders and walked down as close to the street as I could get.  This is Kyrie Irving #2!  As the truck turned the corner, he was just in "awe" of all the people who had come out to celebrate and support them.  The look on his face was pure amazement.  Don't worry this emotional girl cried quite a few tears of pride…sniffle sniffle.  

LeBron James

What a fun day!  


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