Let's try camping!

Growing up I spent many a day camping at the campground by the lake in our pop up camper.  We always had a good time and I can tell you some crazy stories.  Bob and I have always been interested in getting a camper to go with the boys but I was worried that they were too young.  A friend of mine knew a friend who was selling their pop up camper and we thought we would just check it out.  It was just what we had been looking for so we decided to jump right in and get camping.  Bob went to pick it up from the owner and bring it home.  When he got home he came in the back door, which I thought was strange, and said to me "Hey Babe, Do you remember the flag pole we were going to have take down, it seems we don't need to do that anymore.  I just backed the camper into the flagpole."  Yep, we hadn't even owned the camper for and hour before he backed it into the flagpole.  Only damage was the flagpole and a broken tail light on the camper.  I look at this as ammo in my back pocket to remind him of when I do something crazy while driving the camper so it's all good.

After camping in the camper in our backyard we finally took it to an official campground.  The kids were so excited. We stayed at the KOA right across the Michigan border.  It was packed with fun things to do…a water slide, a huge warm pond, a playground, soccer field, baseball field, putt putt golf, and a fishing pond.  After getting everything set up, Bob and I were exhausted but not the boys…they wanted to do everything at the same time right at that moment!!!  I remember camping being a little bit more relaxing like sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows but not with kids. 

I love this picture of Bob and Nolan coming out of the slide.  All three boys couldn't get enough.  They were running up the steps to go down!

The boys slept like logs out there breathing the fresh night air.  Bob and Carter woke up and decided to go paddle boating.  What they didn't realize was that there was a rental fee for the paddle boats.  On the shore of the pond the workers were searching for the missing paddle boat until they saw the criminals who were paddling around the pond.  They flagged them them down and Bob had to run money down to the rental shack.  Carter enjoyed it though.

Right across from our site was a playground.  Our hillbilly barefoot boys played there a lot.

Fun times by the pond!

With being so close to our relatives in Michigan, Aunt Katie, Angie, and Jeremy were able to come and visit us.  Jeremy brought all of his fishing equipment and was eager to take the boys out fishing.  

Grandma Angie and Carter were trying their hardest to catch fish.

Nolan's favorite part was carrying around the bowl of worms.  He would pick them up and then we caught him licking his fingers…yuck!!!

Landon looking for the fish!  Don't you just love the tall socks!

Nolan and Jeremy are telling fish stories!

Lots of playing in the sand and swimming in the pond.

The boys loved playing putt putt too!

Our first time out was fun and boy did we learn a lot about what we can do better next time we go camping.  


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