Batter's time for baseball.

We kicked off the summer with baseball.  This year all three boys were on three different teams.  

Here are all three on picture day!  

Nolan began blast ball.  This is baseball on a super small field using a foam bat and soft ball.  He loved playing in the backyard with his brothers but we quickly found out that it was a different story on the field.

Most of the games were scheduled during his naptime so the meltdowns were at an all time high!

Carter was able to play this year in the league of all coach pitch.  There were quite a few games each week.  The coaches were very kind and great with the help they gave to the kids.  He played in quite a few positions.

Behind the plate as the catcher

Bob coached Landon's baseball team. Landon loved this because it meant that he had Daddy all to himself.  Bob does such a great job with the kids on the field.  
During the Memorial Day parade, Landon waves to Carter in the truck in front.

Carter was very consistent at the plate.  He hit the ball almost every time he was up.  On the field he would get distracted quickly.

Nolan would meltdown before and during every game.  It got quite embarrassing.  We ended up scratching this season and hoping that next year he will be more into it.

Not sure whether the boys liked playing baseball as much as grabbing ice cream from Hastee Tastee.

Landon could hit the ball hard.  He really enjoyed playing this year and seemed to be understanding the game.

Look at those fast strides…gotta get that run in!!

Below are all the boys in their pictures this year.

Even though managing practices and games with three different teams was quite hectic. We made it work. What a great season!!


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