The Boone Brother Birthday Bash

This weekend was a jammed packed with fun.  It all started on Friday when my family came into town.  My parents, sister, her husband, Adelynn, and my grandparents arrived in time for dinner.  My friend Donna from work also came over.  We ate and chatted and started to prepare for the next big day.  When the day began the ball sure was rolling.  My mom was cutting veggies, Bob was grilling, Edd was loading, and the boys were really wound up!  When we got to the fire station it was all set up for a great party. There were three fireman there who were so kind and excited to able to help at the party.  As the kids started arriving they helped the kids climb into the firetrucks.  Carter was in heaven.  He was loving being able to be a fireman!  

We had a hard time getting him away from the truck!

Next, we had cake and ice cream.  The cake was big enough for both boys to blow out candles. Carter enjoyed hearing everyone singing Happy Birthday and Landon had an instant meltdown!  He was crying up a  storm... definitely past naptime.

After cake we headed over to take a whack at our homemade pinata.  It was a blast watching all the kids swing the bat at the pinata.  It didn't even crack after all the kids whacked it so I began to help the pinata break so the kids could enjoy grabbing candy.  When the candy exploded the older kids grabbed as much candy as they could while the young ones took one piece and instantly unwrapped it.

The next cool thing that the fire fighters did with the kids was using the jaws of life to cut through metal.  So manly! I can't tell who liked doing this more...Bob or Carter.

Finally the kids got a chance to spray the firehose and run through the water!

Maw Maw ran through the water with Landon

Showing off their soaking wet clothes

Landon is a pro!

This was a wonderful day to share with such great friends and family! Here's to many more birthdays to share!



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