One Hot Wedding

On Saturday my volleyball teammate from college was getting married in Hillsdale, MI.  Bob and I made the short drive out to the wedding while my sister-in-law and the nieces kept a close eye on the boys.  I was so excited to go and celebrate and see college friends.  The only downside to this was that it was an outdoor wedding.  Yep, the temperature as we were pulling into the ceremony was 102.  There wasn't any shade so I knew that Bob and I were going to be a sweaty mess very quickly.  It was a beautiful ceremony at her mom's house.  She walked out of the back door and down the aisle.  The ceremony was short and sweet which was great because the beads of sweat were glistening on everyone's brow.  On to the reception...there was a candy table, chocolate fountain, hot munchies and cold veggies just to get you started.  Then the meal was insane with the amount of main dishes you could choose.  Bob's plate was overflowing.  Now you know when the music starts on the dance floor you can be sure to find me there.  However this crowd was into country music...what?  The bride in college would have never been caught dead listening to this music.  She practically was a groupie of Blink 182 so I was floored to see her out there swingin her lasso.
Homemade photo booth

My DC Vball Girls!

The next morning we met up with another friend from college, Kasey Studer, who has a boat on Round Lake here in Michigan.  The nieces were still with us so we all went out to go tubing on the boat.  Carter and Landon wanted to go out on the boat too so we strapped on their life jackets and took off.  Carter loved sitting at the back of the boat and watching the girls tube.  Landon enjoyed sitting on the boat, but wanted nothing to do with watching anyone.  He was so relaxed that he fell asleep in my lap.  Carter wanted to go tubing so Bob took him out with him.  He told Studer that he wanted to go really slow.  He lasted a good minute and then was over it.  It was so great to see how comfortable they were with being on the boat and it really made me want to start eating pb and j sandwiches to save all our money for a boat!

Look at how excited these girls are!

Just look at Carter...I think he is already regretting his decision to get on the tube


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