Fourth of July Fun

We woke up this year on the fourth of July without much of a set plan for the day.  This was not like us so we were quickly looking for a new place to explore.  There are quite a few lakes with public beaches close by so we decided to load up the kids and head to Portage Lake.  We had been to this lake earlier this year when the weather was summerlike in early April and were looking forward to heading back.  The park has a great play structure for the kids, which was hot enough to fry an egg on so we bypassed it this time.  Once the boys saw the water on the horizon they took off in a full out sprint to jump in.  We snagged one of the last picnic tables, dropped off our load, and quickly ran into the water.  The temperature has been in the low 100's so the water was like bath water.  Bath water is great because I am a sissy when it comes to cold water so I was so happy I could jump in with the boys.  Bob and I talked about how great being at a lake is with kids because they can walk into the water and sense when it is getting too deep for them.  Unlike at a pool when they cannonball off the edge as we catch them and tread water not to drown.  It was such an enjoyable morning at the lake. I caught myself several times just watching the kids play together in the water and in the sand.  Don't get me wrong there was a fight with sand throwing and splashing,but for the most part it was bliss.  Crazy thing though...Landon needed a diaper change so I headed back to our table to change him and on my way back a woman came up to me and asked me to rub sun screen on her back.  Strange I know, but I agreed to do it.  What I didn't know was that when I opened her lotion it exploded on my hand leaving a huge glob of lotion.  I began rubbing it in but there was so much I could have rubbed her back for hours and it would have still have looked like cake frosting coating her shoulders  I was so embarrassed I started to rub the excess on my arms, legs, shoulder and feet.  When I was finished I walked back out to where Bob was and he said, "What has just happened to you?"  I spent the next five minutes scrubbing off a gallon of sunscreen in the lake.

Later that evening our friends from Cleveland, Alissa, Phil, and Mari stopped through on their way to Chicago.  We had a BBQ and let the kids play together.  They had such a great time!

Phil, Mari's dad, said that this will be the last time they bathe together. We already have Mari and Landon pegged for an arranged marriage so I'm not worried!


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