My Pintrest Obsession

Isn't this just priceless!

Here are the footprint Rudolph's...a little abstract but cute!

They loved putting the googly eyes on Santa!

My little painters!

So if you haven't already heard of this great site called "Pintrest" you are missing out!  I have become obsessed.  It is a way to create virtual pin boards of pretty much anything you can think of.  Since being a play at home mom this year I am always looking for new things to do with the boys.  I found some cute Christmas projects.  I decided that we were going to paint...all by myself...I know I probably should have thought this through a little more but oh well.  The boys had a blast.  I started out by painting hands and then went to their feet.  Carter begged to paint Landon's feet and I let him because it was so stinkin cute.  They are two peas in a pod.  I love getting to watch them explore new things!

My latest "must haves" for the boys.  So I saw these "Santa diapers" made by huggies at Meijer while I was out shopping.  They were on sale and I had a coupon so they were a deal for sure.  We decided to put up the tree on Sunday and the boys wore their Santa diapers and hats during the process.  This year Carter loved handing Bob and I the ornaments as we placed them on the tree.  Landon was crawling under the tree and taking the ornaments off.  What a great family moment!  The boys are mesmerized by the lights on the Christmas tree.
Two of the cutest Santa helpers!  Carter insisted that they keep their socks on!

Landon's belly looks like Santa's.

The back end

The best presents under our tree

Carter gently puts on the ornaments as Landon quickly rips them off!


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