A Jam Packed Weekend

I have to tell you that there are so many things to do up here in this area.  They print this newspaper/flyer each month that lists all the upcoming events to attend.  Well you know me, we have to do them all! On Friday night my parents drove up from Ohio and we jumped in the car and headed into Ann Arbor.  Festive Fridays offer free horse and carriage rides from 7-9pm.  We bundled up the kids and headed out.  The line was already lengthy at 7:06pm so I waited in line for a while and Bob took my parents and the boys into the stores to stay warm and then we switched.  We jumped on the carriage and rode around the block.  It was great fun.  The boys loved it and were ohh and ahh at the Christmas lights.
A friend that I met up here in Chelsea told me about an opportunity for the kids to have their pictures taken with Santa.  We headed out to the car and went to the local day care.  The Santa was very authentic looking.  Carter jumped up on his lap with no hesitation to tell him that he wanted "presents" for Christmas.  Landon was scared and we had to toss him on his lap and run out of the way for the photo.  The images are going to be emailed to us so I will post them when they arrive. Next we headed to a local bookstore that was going to have story time.  We got there and found out that they were not going to do it that.  We just read books for a while with the boys instead. Afterwards we drove to at restaurant called Noodles and company.  We had never eaten there but I had a coupon for a free family meal.  Great deal! The food was great and Carter got to use chopsticks for the first time.  It was a new gimmick that helped him to eat more than we thought he would.
Then we were off to the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum.  We have a family membership so I am sure to get our money's worth.  The boys loved building with blocks and playing with balls.  Carter went poo on the big boy potty again.  That is the second time he has done this...I am thinking that I might have to drive there each day to  get him to go. The boys were beginning to have meltdowns so we headed back to the house where everyone took a 2 hour nap!
To the treehouse we went for dinner and once last chance to run out the boys energy.  We ate dinner there.  I am telling you what the boys don't eat very well to begin with but they will mow down those mickey mouse shaped chicken nuggets. My mom loves to climb up in the structure with the boys and they giggle all the way down the slides.  We closed the place down and then headed to Jackson Fairgrounds to see the "Nite Lights".  It was 12 bucks a car which I thought was steep but there was quite a display!  We listened to Christmas music as we drove through.They had lots of lighted structures that looked like they were moving.
At the end of the display there was a building that you could go on train rides, see Santa, pet real reindeer, make a christmas card, watch a puppet show and more.  We ended the evening with McFlurry's from McDonalds!  We had a great day!
Bundled up

Carriage rides in Ann Arbor

Carter with Maw Maw and Paw Paw

 Landon cuddled with us

 Carter loved being built around so he could break down the walls
 Water table Lando

 Lights in Jackson

 Carter pets a real reindeer


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