
I have to begin by saying, "I love the holidays!" I truly enjoy getting together with friends and family and eating until you have to change into elastic topped pants! We started our thanksgiving with traveling down to Bucyrus where my parents live on Tuesday evening!  I drove the boys down and surprised my dad!  My sister and her husband came on Wednesday night. On Wednesday night my mom began prepping the turkey.  Carter was so interested in seeing her clean and stuff the turkey.  He saw the turkey thermometer thing and said, "Me push button, make turkey talk!" We cracked up!  Bob and his mom came down on Thursday.  My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins all piled into my parents house and we ate for hours.  After eating on of my favorite things to do is browse the black friday ads.  Before kids Bob and I used to be the crazy black friday shoppers but now that the boys are here we value our sleep too much to use that time to shop.  On Thursday night Walmart started their specials at 10pm.  The boys were exhausted and fell asleep at 9pm.  At 9:45pm I persuaded my 6 month pregnant sister, her husband, and Bob to venture out to Walmart.  We jumped into my dad's beater station wagon and drove like a bat out of Hati to get there.  The amount of people there blew me away.  The crowd around the DVD's was insane.  The people that were close to the display were tossing DVD's to other's like tossing fish to a dolphin.  We finally made it to the front and purchased our few items and made it back in an hour. POWER SHOPPING!
Saturday we had Boone thanksgiving here at our house.  It was my first ever time doing the turkey.  I prepped him the night before and put him in the fridge for the night.  Bob decided he wanted to deep fry a turkey so we borrowed his mom's propane deep fryer.  Bob's nieces came over the night before to make and decorate sugar cookies and cupcakes with the boys.  They had a blast! It was a mess but totally worth it!  Finally when it was time to pull the turkey out of the oven I realized that I forgot to poke holes into the oven bag.  When I opened the oven the bag looked like the goodyear blimp.  I began stabbing holes into it with the meat thermometer. Thank goodness it turned out well and people didn't complain.  Bob's deep fried turkey oil was not warming up as quickly as needed so we threw a pork loin on the grill to be sure we had enough for every one.  All in all it was great and we are going to host Boon Christmas so we will have a second go around at it.
The boys watching my mom clean the turkey.

Landon loves his aunt d and uncle Edd

Paw Paw is watching Landon chow down on thanksgiving lunch!

Rubbing the bump for good luck!

Landon is hanging out in his great grandma's lap

Oh, what fun they had decorating cookies.  Carter has a frosting stache.

Katie, Bob, and Julie

Look at all these loons!

On the drive home on Friday Bob and I talked about all we really have to be thankful for.  We have concluded that we are so blessed to be surrounded by the love and support of so many wonderful people that words just can describe how much it all means to us! We love you all!


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