Potty training begins again!

Carter has flour on his face while baking!

Landon loves to show his belly button.

So Carter has started to leave the room when he wants to poo so I have decided to use this as a way to get him to go on the potty.  Yesterday morning he took off up the stairs to his normal spot, "the cubby hole" and I said let's go on the potty.  I followed him upstairs and he was sitting there on the potty with his pants up.  I quickly pulled them down and we sang his ABC's and when he stood up there was a little turd in the pot.  I yelled for Bob and Landon who raced up to see it.  I said, "Look daddy Carter pooped a little rabbit turd in the potty." We danced, cheered and flushed it down.  He picked out a Cars 2 sticker and ate M&M's. Later that day we went to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum and I noticed he was headed to hide to poop.  I grabbed him and raced to the bathroom.  He sat on the big potty while I held onto him and pooped!  He flushed it down and said, "Goodbye Carter poop". I heard the lady in the next stall giggle.  When we went out I said tell daddy what you did.  Carter says loudly, "Carter pooped a Big Rabbit Turd!" Oh yes he did!  I couldn't believe it!  I am not sure if this is the start of going to the potty but I am going to go with it.  Today he told me that he was peeing and he pulled his diaper away and peed on his pants before we could get to the bathroom.  I have a feeling I should pick up some more laundry detergent because I see many accidents in our near future.


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