It would only happen to me!

So last night Bob was working late, I decided to take the boys to the park to play. We took the wagon because I wanted the exercise and I was taking advantage of the brisk fall evening air to help wear them out!  While we were there I was chatting with a woman who had 2 kids, a first grader and 20 month boy and 7 months pregnant again. She was very friendly.  I was pushing Carter on the swings when her little boy started walking toward Carter in the swing.  I knew that Carter would knock him down as he walked through the swinging path.  I grabbed the chains of the swing and the back of Carter's head came back and smacked me in the mouth.  He instantly started wailing.  My mouth began to throb.  I grabbed him to console him and calm him down when I realized that I could taste blood.  I rubbed my tongue on my front two teeth and they were not pointed up and down but towards the back of my throat.  They kinda scissored too because my upper lip was stuck between them.  I was so embarrassed that I quickly grabbed Landon and put him in the wagon to head home.  I didn't know how bad it was and I knew I needed to see it.  I tried to take pictures of it with my phone but was so unsuccessful.  Carter refused to leave the park because he still wanted to play so he was throwing a tantrum.  I finally chased him down and picked him up to put him in the wagon when he head butted me in the face.  Oh, yes was I seeing stars by that time.  Both boys were crying and screaming as I raced home in the wagon.  As I was walking I just kept thinking, get those teeth back to the front so I would just gently rub my tongue on the back of the teeth until they popped back straight.  My right front tooth is so sore and is still bleeding a little this morning.  I am hoping to go to the dentist on Friday to make sure that there isn't any nerve damage.  Bob is worried that I might need a root canal.  For the love, sometimes I only feel that these things happen to me.


kimi said…
Oh Heidi! You poor dear. Hugs.

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