Update: Boone Boys

Carter has become a talking maniac.  He is putting together sentences but he continues to talk about himself in the third person.  He said "luv u mommy" for the first time last week and it melted my heart.  I have been waiting for that day since he was born.  He still struggles to sleep through the night in his own bed.  Every night around 2am he comes to our bedroom.  I am not sure how to fix this because I don't want to close his door because that kinda sounds like child abuse.  Landon has become quite the screamer.  Carter is so rough with him that he screams at anything Carter does to him.  He is as stubborn as a mule.  If I say, "don't touch" he will touch it with his pointer finger and then look back at me and smile.  It can be very frustrating. He says mommy, daddy, uh-oh, and no.  He wants to do everything that Carter does.  I am so surprised by how fearless he is because he will try anything that he has seen Carter do.  Landon is still rocking only two teeth on the bottom and one fang on the top.  I can see more on the top and bottom but they have yet to come down.  That doesn't stop him though he still chomps down on anything and everything.  His new favorite thing to do is toilet paper the bathroom.  He will unroll all the toilet paper and then walk it around the bathroom floor.  Landon has really become the worst sleeper in the house.  In North Ridgeville, he used to sleep all through the night in his crib.  Ever since we moved here...yet to happen.  He sleeps for 20 minute intervals.  Bob gets him to sleep and just when we start to fall asleep he starts wailing in his crib.  We have tried to let him "cry it out" but that kid can cry his heart out.  He cried for 45 minutes straight and woke up Carter so we had two crying kids.  Bob has been holding him each night while he sleeps propped up in bed.  We are both puddles of skin.  I would pay someone a gazillion dollars to come and do sleeping boot camp with both of my kids.  Bob and I would take a vacation and when we returned the boys would kiss us goodnight and fall asleep in their own beds and sleep through the night.  Sounds like a plan to me but only in my dreams. 


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