Our first playdate!

On Tuesday I hosted our first playdate here in Chelsea.  After inviting several new people that I have met only two people came.  Yep, punch to the gut but anyways.  A high school friend of Bob's came and brought one of her children.  It was very nice to catch up with her and for the boys to play.  Carter has such a difficult time with sharing.  I am hoping that it is just a phase that he is going through but wow, it can be a bit much.  Of course, when another child picks up one of his toys he instantly decides that what they are playing with is what he NOW wants to play with.  He will go and grab it out of their hands and take off running because that means he would have to be chased.  When he is finally caught he will then throw the toy directly at whom ever wants to play.  I cringe everytime this situation arrives.  After they left another mother who thought the playdate was at a later time arrived.  I gladly let her in and the kids played some more but it through off their lunch schedule which caused major crankiness.  The boys love to play and they are so stinkin active that sometimes it makes me dizzy.  Carter can be a little too rough with Landon and he knows how to play the game.  Landon will start crying at the drop of a hat because he know that to me that means he was hurt by Carter.  I have been asking Carter what happened and he will tell me exactly what happened.  Today I asked him and he said "Carter hit Sasa".  He calls Landon Sasa not sure why but that is just how it is.  I then said, " No hit." he says "slow hit?" seriously, how can he ask that...would it be okay if I just slow hit my brother?  It is difficult to not crack up. 

We met Bob at the park for lunch yesterday.  We had a great time.  Landon insists that he do everything that Carter does.  He climbs up all the stairs to the tallest slides and goes down backward because that is what Carter does.  Carter started climbing up this rock wall and Landon followed.  He was trying so hard until he hit his face on a foot holder.  He now has his first black eye ever.  He is a trooper though.

 Watching the bunny outside eat all the grass!
The fastest ride of Landon's life

Enjoying what is left of the sunshine!

Decided to host a 31 open house this evening.  Little to my knowledge it is homecoming weekend.  Yep, I am sitting alone drinking a glass of wine and blogging while I wait for a visitor.  I must say this is the first time that I have had any alone time in a long time so I don't know what to do with myself.  Cheers!


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