Job Search!

Since we have moved I have looked for employment within the area.  I am very hesitant to go through the whole process of getting certified to teach in the state of Michigan because we are unsure of what the future holds.  I have been watching craigslist each day for positions that I can do while taking my kids because it will be very hard to find someone I trust with the boys as much as my sitter in Ohio.  In early August I interviewed for two different positions at two different locations for an infant toddler teacher within a daycare.  One was about 25 minutes away and after getting a tour I thought it wasn't clean enough for my children to attend and I wouldn't feel comfortable bringing them there.  The other was at a local daycare about 3 minutes from our house.  It was so nice and clean.  Each room had a teacher and an assistant which followed a set curriculum for that age group of children.  Children a little older than Carter knew all their letters, numbers, colors, and shapes.  It was great and I was excited.  When she offered my the job she told me that she could only pay me $9hr for full time.  Then for the boys to come I could get an employee discount for tuition which would be $328.00 per week.  Which would add up to be $32.00 per week before taxes.  I bounced this idea around awhile because I thought it might be good for the kids to have interaction with other kids but it just didn't make sense to be tied down full time and not make much of anything.  So I have been searching for things to keep us busy each day so I don't go insane.  We are signed up for several play groups.  A group called MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a group where you go and drop your kids off in the play room of a church while cute older woman watch the kids and you get to have "adult time" with other moms.  This meets every other Friday.  Another group we are doing is PAT (Parents as teachers).  This group meets Monday thru Thursday for an hour.  They have independent play for 40 minutes, then there is an art activity, and we finish with circle/storytime.  A lady I met at church told me about a fitness class that has child care at the local church.  So every Wednesday and Friday mornings for $2.00, I get to sweat while the boys play upstairs with other kids.
With us still being new to the area I am always looking to meet new people so my roommate from college suggested that I sell 31 bags as an opportunity to meet new people.  You know me...sucker! I decided to give it a try.  I am so not good at this because I can not stand the thought of asking family and friends to buy things that they would not really need.  My sales pitch is just that it is an excuse to get me out of the house for adult time to socialize with others older than 2 years old.  So far I have one party scheduled and always looking for way to bring it up to others without them thinking I am a desperate stay at home mom. 


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