Sickness Sweeps the Boone Household

Wednesday night right before bed my stomach started to feel queezy but I just chugged some water and headed to bed.  At midnight, Carter came crawling into our bed.  I laid him down next to us and he sat up and started puking like a fountain onto our sheets.  I quickly grabbed him and we headed to the bathtub where he continued to puke.  The craziness was that I started to feel sick at the same time and we puked together into a bucket.  We were a hot mess.  He was steaming hot and refused to take any medicine. When we woke up the next morning we were so sick.  I wanted to cry when Bob headed into work.  We spent most of the day on the couch cuddling.  Katie, bob's sister, came over to drop off Gatorade and popsicles at her lunch break.  As she was leaving Landon threw up on her.   Bob came home early and took care of us.  On Friday Carter got sick again and was running a low grade fever but Landon seemed to be doing well.  Friday night Carter woke up so cranky in the middle of the night.  He was crying for an hour straight...not wimpering I mean straight wailing. Bob took him for a while and we could hear him screaming through the vents so I went back downstairs and he fell asleep within 30 minutes.  A few hours later Bob woke up sick.  He caught the flu bug and spent Saturday on the couch.  Perfect day for to be a couch potato because of all the college football.  I spent the day cleaning and lysoling everything that we had come into contact with.  Today, being Monday, the boys are still back to themselves.  Each morning they are waking up with crusty eyes, and just cranky and whiny all day.  My stomach is still a little funky and I am ready to feel back to normal.


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