Dr.Appointment Update

Yesterday was Carter's doctor's appointment. I waited until the last minute to get him ready to go. I grabbed a washcloth to give him a quick scrub down before I got him dressed. I took his diaper off and while I was washing him he peed all over my outfit and his body. So I then picked him up to give him a bath and he farted and pooed on my arm. Next, at the end of his full out bath I was getting him out and he threw up all over himself. Finally I gave him another bath and got him dressed and we were out the door. Another crazy start to a day. Anyways...at the doctor Carter now weighs 11lbs 2oz and is 23 1/4in. She said that was a healthy weight gain and that he was very healthy. He was in the 68th percentile for weight, 88th percentile for height, and 48th for head circumference. At his next appointment he will be getting his first set of shots. Bob is definitely coming with me for that because I don't like to see him hurt. The picture above shows the faux hawk that Bob gave him after his bath. Too funny!


matt said…
I love that in a matter of minutes your son pooed, peed, and puked on you. Oh he is so your son! I had to blow the picture up to find the faux hawk. Can't wait to see you guys later today.
Anonymous said…
Adorable! Hope Brady doesn't do a poo/pee/puke trifecta like that ... but yeah, we parents of baby boys sure get peed on a lot!!
Beth said…
Jeremy ALWAYS covered it up with a wipe at every diaper change and bragged that he never got peed on one time. I never really got peed on either but my moms wall and curtain did (and of course Brett's face). And it always seemed he could find a way to pee out on his clothes and keep the diaper dry...how does that happen?
ML said…
You have to cover up the pee~shooter!! :)
kimi said…
he is getting SO big!!!! he's so cute. i need to come over and visit soon!

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