Happy 4th of July!

Carter's first fourth of July was a blast! We spent the evening at Fowler's for a cookout/bonfire. He loved being in the fresh air and hanging out around the bonfire. He slept through the whole fireworks display! Check out the picture of him in his red, white, and blue outfit. He is really working hard on holding his head up. The video shows him having tummy time with Bob. He is getting so strong that he wants to check everything out! Then the other picture happened when Bob was burping him. He was on Bob's shoulder and he held his head up and spit up then put his head right back into his spit up. It was all over so we had to take a picture of it. He is getting bigger. I had Bob stand on our bathroom scale and then hold Carter to see how much he weighs. If the scale is accurate, which Bob says it's not but it might be close, he was 10 lbs 2 oz. We hope that you all had a great holiday weekend!


alyssa and mom said…
And, once again Happy Birthday Heidi! Hope you got out of changing diapers for the day. Yep...I know....slim chance. I know a little girl that would like to meet Carter before the summer is over :)
Unknown said…
Wow!! He really is amazing!!

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