7 weeks old

Today Carter is officially 7 weeks old. He is such a good baby! We are so lucky. He only fusses when he is hungry, wet, or hot. The past 2 weeks we have started a bedtime routine suggested by our doctor. After his 9-10pm feeding Bob burps him, rocks him, and reads him a bedtime story. Then he puts him down and roughs it for the first shift until the next feeding and then we tag team and I step in. This has really been working! I love that he has "daddy time" with him. It is so cute to watch him read to him. Last week Carter wore his last newborn size diaper-that is what the above picture is. I can't believe that he is already in Stage 1. We have been working on "tummy time" to build the muscles in his neck. He is really into laying on his activity mat because it has a musical thing that has blinking lights. My mom gave him a silky-a little blankie that has a silky side and a fleece side. He loves to cuddle with it.


ML said…
Love the blue outfit~floor shot. He's getting so big!!.... and of course still adorable!
matt said…
It was nice seeing both of you at breakfast on Sunday. I'm glad to hear the new sleeping routine is working out. Bob where have you been? You are never around when I get to see the misses and the boy wonder. I'll catch you soon!

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