Over a Month Old

I know it has been a while since the last post...He is getting so big! He is a growing maniac. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday. I am anxious to see how much he has grown officially. He is still working on holding his head up. He now blows spit bubbles and makes lots of noises. Carter has grown out of his newborn clothes and we are onto 0-3monthers. However they are long enough but too wide for his body-oh well. He still has blue eyes--yeah. We have ad 2 good nights of sleep with only 2 feedings throughout the night! He is my traveling man--I love to take him everywhere. However as soon as I put him in the car seat he either fills his diaper or spits up all over his clothes. No joke one day I went through this process 3 times before we left. I have decided that I will not be returning to school until October 1st. This will give me a little more time with the little guy. We had his pictures taken on the 8th and boy did he cry. We did get some good ones though--thank goodness. Still breastfeeding and I tell you what he is a little alarm clock almost 2 hrs to the minute he lets me know he is hungry. Stay tuned for more updates.


ML said…
He is such a doll!! The kids loved seeing him and they are still talking about it!! ENJOY your days with him!!

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