Trail life Derby Race and Camping Trip
The big event...The Derby race! The boys worked so hard at sanding down, painting, weighting down their own pine wood derby car. The track was graciously donated by a man in southern Ohio and we were so happy to have it ready to use. It was hooked up digitally so that we could see the results as the cars crossed the finish line.
Unfortunately the boys cars didn't win a race but they had such a fun time and cheered each other on!
A few weeks ago, the boys and Bob went along for the first ever Trail Life camp out. This was the first camping trip that the boys stayed in tents with other trailmen while the adults slept in tents close by.
During the day the boys played cards, basketball, and frisbee golf.
The evening concluded with songs and life lessons around the campfire.
My favorite story told by Bob when they returned was how he listened to a pack of coyotes attack a raccoon less than 50 feet away from his tent. I giggled when he told me that all throughout the night he would hear dads snoring so loud in their tents that he had a hard time sleeping. All in all, everyone had an unforgettable time.
Unfortunately the boys cars didn't win a race but they had such a fun time and cheered each other on!
A few weeks ago, the boys and Bob went along for the first ever Trail Life camp out. This was the first camping trip that the boys stayed in tents with other trailmen while the adults slept in tents close by.
During the day the boys played cards, basketball, and frisbee golf.
The evening concluded with songs and life lessons around the campfire.
My favorite story told by Bob when they returned was how he listened to a pack of coyotes attack a raccoon less than 50 feet away from his tent. I giggled when he told me that all throughout the night he would hear dads snoring so loud in their tents that he had a hard time sleeping. All in all, everyone had an unforgettable time.