My Yoga Adventure

Last school year was the toughest year I have ever had and could ever imagine when it came to the number of students struggling with emotional regulation.  This caused me to restructure my classroom, my teaching approach, and my self care.  I started mindfulness breathing as part of our daily routine and watching youtube yoga for kids in our classroom.  I watched how my students were impacted by these practices.  I wanted to learn more and help create this as part of routine for more children.  I researched becoming a children's yoga teacher and found a great training program called "Kidding Around Yoga" here in Cleveland. 
One weekend in April, I completed a 2-day training and then four online courses to earn my certification.  This curriculum teaches meditation, deep breathing, and yoga poses through age appropriate songs and stories.  I came to my school prinicpal with a "big idea" about offering a yoga club to students after school and she was on board. 

As part of our training they offered a "family yoga" class and Bob brought the boys and they had so much fun.

Here is my "pilot" yoga club of second grade students this year.  They have been so excited to learn new poses, build strength, and balance all while having fun together!

Starting class with the "singing bowl"

I am not sure where this adventure might take me or what doors it might open for me but I believe in this program and want to share it with as many children I can. Namaste.


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