Run club last race

This year with the boys over in Amherst Schools we have jumped on to participate in the Run Club they offer.  It is set up quite different than Vermilion.  All students from K-6 are encouraged to participate.  They meet with their grade level and the high school cross country team warms them up for the race.  The students line up by grade level and race 400 meters.  This was the last race of the year and all the boys were so excited to run.  Before we stepped out of the car, each of the boys requested a song to get them pumped up to do their best.

Landon has been discouraged because at every race he has come so close the front but just didn't have the endurance to win.  To our surprise this little man ended up winning his race that day.  I can't even begin to tell you how proud we were for him and how excited he was to hold that 1st place ribbon.

Carter loves to run...he looked so smooth and fluent out there.

Nolan started out so strong in his race and right about the 200 meter mark he stopped running and started to walk next to a boy.  Bob and I were giggling from across the track thinking he decided to chat instead of running.  Then all of a sudden he took off sprinting with the boy and finished the race in 4th place.  We cheered for him as he finished and when he came over with his ribbon we told him how proud we were.  We then asked him why he started to walk...he said, "I stopped to cheer up my friend Leo who sad he wasn't in first place."  Bob and I looked at each other through emotions of excitement and being proud as a peacock...this kid always surprises us.

Aunt Katie and Grandma Angie were able to make it down to watch the boys race too!

Doing our best and leaving it all on the track...that what these Boone Boys like to do!


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