
Showing posts from July, 2018

Michigan summer trip

We have been dying for the chance to get up to Michigan for the summer but it didn't work out until mid July.  We were so ready to jump in the car and get up there to enjoy friends and family. Our first stop was a visit to Grandma Angie.  The boys love to walk over to the industrial park to see the trains come by. Aunt Katie and Uncle Jeremy got a boat this summer and the boys have been so excited to ride on it and tube behind it! It was a perfect day for being out on the lake too!  It was sunny and the lake was calm.  All three started out on the tube but Nolan and Landon quickly decided they were unsure of it. Carter was fearless and couldn't get enough of it!  Aunt Katie tried hard to get him off the tube but he held on tight. There most favorite thing to do was be the one in charge of pulling in or casting out the next person on the tube.  Nolan and Landon overtime gained some confidence and decided to give the tube another try.  Thank go...

Camping and Baseball tournaments

Our annual Hornak family camping trip was set for the second week of July and we couldn't wait to get us all together for some fun.  It turns out that since some many baseball games had been rained out this season, Landon's playoff games were scheduled for the same time as our camping trip.  This meant that Landon and I would be driving back each night from the campground to the game and then back to the campground for bed...each trip was 90 minutes in the car one way.  This was just a little setback we had to overcome but we were ready for it! Bob helped to get the camper all ready: caulking the roof, changing my camper tires, and hooking it up to the van.  Loaded and giddy we were in the morning ready to get on our way! Now I don't mind driving the camper at all but I am not so good at backing it up.  I can drive it forward like a champ but if you ask me to back it up, I can jack knife that thing like the best of them! On our voyage the GPS took me down s...

Reward trip to Cedar Shores

This school year the boys were challenged to meet their Accelerated Reader goal of 170 points to get a chance to go to Cedar Shores Waterpark. They worked so hard to reach this goal.  We were so excited to go and celebrate. We were able to invite our friends...The Malear and The Hanney family! Maw Maw had a blast coming along with us! Emma was quite scared to go down the water slides at first but over came her fear.   Fun Fun Fun times all together! We arrived at 11am when they opened and we stayed all day until they closed the park.  It was a great day!

All star performance

Landon was chosen for the All Star Team for his age level. After just watching his brother last year, he was more than excited to be a part of this great accomplishment.   Landon and his friend Hunter The All Star Game was so fun to watch.  The boys all played so well! What a champ!

Camp invention Week

One of our favorite weeks of the summer is Camp Invention Week.  This is a science camp that takes place at our school where the kids come and invent, explore, and create new things.  I am so lucky to be one of the teachers who teach the camp.  It is a blast.  This year my lessons were about being a pet vet and we were able to do some amazing things. Landon is working with a partner right here learning hands on about blood samples.  The little red water beads stood for the red blood cells, the white ping pong balls were the white blood cells, the red pieces of foam were platelets, and bubble wrap was the virus. The coolest part of my station was that each student got there very own robot dog to create and personalize to then take home with them. Carter was very proud of his robo dog This was Nolan's first year being able to participate.  He had a great time and even discovered that he liked salad!  Can't tell you how many times we have offered...