Family trip to Cedar Point

This year we ventured out as a family to Cedar Point.  We didn't tell the boys until breakfast that day and they were totally surprised and stoked!

The boys are all different heights so it was quite difficult at finding rides that we all could ride together.  Carter could ride many of the big roller coasters but Landon was just a smidge short so he was disappointed and bummed.  Nolan was loving all the kiddie rides he could jump on.

We took the buckets to the back of the park.  We had to split up because only four can ride together.  This is something we talked about when we found out we were pregnant with we have an odd number in our family so riding together on rides at Cedar Point will be hard.

Can you see the excitement on Landon's face how happy he was to ride the carousel while Carter and I rode the Iron Dragon?  Poor little peanut.

Nolan is in seventh heaven!

I have said this before and I'll say it again...Bob is the one that always gets in cold water with the boys and I will always ride the spinning rides with the boys.  That's our compromise so I jumped on the Tiki Timbo ride with all three boys.

Carter and I waited in line to ride the Iron Dragon for his first time.  He requested the front car!  He was so excited!  What a fun ride!

Breana and Tesa drove down from Michigan to come with us.  The boys were so happy to have them there.  Breana braved Thunder Canyon with us.  She was the only one from our group that got soaked.

While we went on Thunder Canyon, Tesa and Nolan fed the animals at the petting zoo.

Landon and Carter were able to ride Thunder Canyon all by themselves.

Nolan loved spending some time with Tesa.

The girls, Carter and I rode the Magnum while Bob took Landon and Nolan to Camp Snoopy where they jumped on many fun rides.


Smiles with Snoopy

A family train ride around the park

After a few games and three stuffed animals later we decided to head home but not before we snagged a few photos by the gate!

What a fun day we had together! Let's do it again next year!


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