Nolan turns 4 and finishes year 1 of pre-school.
How can he be four? How can our youngest be four years old now? This little guy has really come into this own. He is not afraid to stand up to his big brothers, be fearless and try new things, and have a smile that brightens the room!
Since his big brothers are loving ninja turtles right now he has jumped on the band wagon with them.
Not only did Nolan turn 4, but he also finished his first year of pre-school. He really seemed to enjoy his time at DNS in Vermilion. It has been great to see all 3 boys come through the same program.
Right in the middle. Look at that smile.
Diploma time with Miss Julie.
Proud brothers! Mom and Dad were quite proud as well!
Since his big brothers are loving ninja turtles right now he has jumped on the band wagon with them.
Thanks to Maw Maw for creating Nolan's delicious cake!
Not only did Nolan turn 4, but he also finished his first year of pre-school. He really seemed to enjoy his time at DNS in Vermilion. It has been great to see all 3 boys come through the same program.