You just never know what will happen at our house...

There are many times that I share a story about events that happen at our house and I can see by the look in their eyes that they call shinnenigans. The scary thing's the truth!
One spring day the boys were playing outside and they were taking turns covering themselves with leaves in the window well.  

Climbing in the tree together!

Carter is cutting out the "pokeies"with Bob.

Outside is where the boys love to be...

Nolan is going through an anger phase.  His first reaction to every situation is to yell in his mad voice.  We have been trying to help him understand that there are other ways to get your point across. The other day while I was driving to school he screams from the back seat, "Turn it up!" I said, "How do you ask nicely?" He screams, "Turn it up or I will break all your TV's!" 
Nolan recently found the secret hole in his underpants where his penis can poke through.  He giggled so hard and ran to show Landon.  

Yesterday on a bike ride, Landon was pedaling in front of me and I yelled to him, "Stop at the crossing and wait for me." When I made it up to the crossing, he had his legs crossed on his back with his eyes closed and he said, "Namaste, Mom, Namaste,"

Right now, Carter's latest obsession is creating his own comics.  They are pretty amazing.  One day he said, "Mom, once I make about 8 episodes I want to color copy these and make them into a book. Then I would sell them for $2."  I asked, "Who do you think would buy a copy?" He replied, "I would ask Maw Maw first."  


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