Nolan's Spring Program

Last month Nolan's preschool had a nursery rhyme program at their school.  His class was singing Shorten' Bread.  The boys dressed up like chef's with an apron and hat while they used a spoon and bowl to stir while singing.  Ms. Julie warned us that he would be shaking his booty and singing because that is just how he was for practice.  
Of course he had a meltdown about the clothes he had to wear and refused to get out of the car when we got there so we were prepared for the worst.  I dropped him off at his classroom where he began acting a fool so I had to give him a "pep talk" through my gritted teeth.
He was all smiles when he found us in the crowd. When it was his turn he stood as stiff as a statue like a deer in the headlights.  There definitely wasn't any booty shaking. 
His big brothers were so proud of him!
Paw Paw even made the trip up to see him perform!


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